Reporter/Anchor Mike Walter witnessed American Airlines Flight 77 crash into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. It changed him forever as a journalist. Watch his award-winning documentary, Breaking News Breaking Down, which tells the story of how traumatic news impacts the journalists who cover it.
"I remember this Iraq War veteran said, you know it's really interesting. We're all kind of in these different bubbles, you know, military is in this bubble. Paramedics are in this bubble, firefighters and journalists. And there's nothing that connects us except for trauma. We all know what that's like. But I do think that they've gotten to the finish line a lot quicker in terms of trying to figure out some way to deal with that." - Mike Walter
"What Happened to You?" A Conversation with Dr. Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey about their new book and how trauma can shape our lives. Watch this webinar as the Dart Center's Bruce Shapiro moderates.
"So many people live in shame, hiding their struggles, not seeking help. We, as a culture, have not fully acknowledged how much help is needed. The only real shame is on us for not being willing to speak openly. For continuing to deny that mental health is related to our overall health. We need to start talking, and we need to start now." - Oprah Winfrey
In this video, part of The Poynter Institute's 40 Better Hours series dedicated to improving workplaces, Rebecca Palpant Shimkets of The Carter Center provides some much-needed advice for journalists to take care of their mental health.
"For some reason in our society, we’re okay if your body becomes ill. It’s not a problem to go and seek help. People have chronic conditions for which they need treatment possibly for the rest of their lives. Diabetes is an example of that. But for some reason, we’re not okay with one of the most important aspects of our body... the brain being treated." - Rebecca Palpant Shimkets of The Carter Center